8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Journey from the fall / Ham Tran / Kieu Chinh, Long Nguyen, Diem Lien, Nguyen thai Nguyen, Khanh Doan, Cat Ly, Jayvee Mai The Hiep Journey from the fall Kieu Chinh, Long Nguyen, Diem Lien, Nguyen thai Nguyen, Khanh Doan, Cat Ly, Jayvee Mai The Hiep
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
6a Edizione - 2006 / Lungometraggi
foto film
Gnomo, giovedě 30 marzo ore 20.00
Gnomo, venerdě 31 marzo ore 22.30
Nuovo Orchidea, lunedě 03 aprile ore 22.30

Ham Tran / Thailand / 2005/ 135 min
Cast Kieu Chinh, Long Nguyen, Diem Lien, Nguyen thai Nguyen, Khanh Doan, Cat Ly, Jayvee Mai The Hiep 

JOURNEY FROM THE FALL follows two journeys beginning at the end of Vietnam’s civil war. On the day Saigon falls, Long Nguyen and his wife, Mai, part ways. Long is captured and sent to a series of re-education camps. Meanwhile, Mai boards a fishing boat with her mother-in-law and son. Hoping to reach America, they face a dangerous sea journey. Years later, when Long receives a letter from them, he escapes. And his journey begins. JOURNEY FROM THE FALL is dedicated to the millions of survivors of the communist re-education camps. This is their story.

Original Title    Journey from the fall
Scipt by   Ham Tran 
Editor   Ham Tran 
Production   Lam Nguyen 
Cinematoghraphy   Julie Kirkwood, Guillermo Rosas 
Production design   Mona Nahm, Tommy Twosons 
Music   Christopher Wong 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Born in Saigon, Ham Tran immigrated to America with his parents through the Orderly Departure Program in 1982. His exploration in playwriting, prose, poetry, music, painting, film and video became a journey to assemble new and lost history and culture. Ham tran recently graduated from UCLA with a Master of Fine Arts degree in Film and Television, where his short films have won numerous accolades including the title of National Finalist for the Student Academy Awards for two years consecutively. Tran’s thesis film, THE ANNIVERSARY, won the prestigious USA Film Festival Awards for Best Live Action Short.


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