8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Forgiven / Paul Fitzgerald / Susan Floyd, Kate Jennings Grant, Russell Hornsby Forgiven Susan Floyd, Kate Jennings Grant, Russell Hornsby

catalogo miff
6a Edizione - 2006 / Lungometraggi
foto film
Nuovo Orchidea, giovedì 06 aprile ore 22.30
Nuovo Orchidea, sabato 08 aprile ore 18.00

Paul Fitzgerald / USA / 2006/ 80 min
Susan Floyd, Kate Jennings Grant, Russell Hornsby 

On the eve of his campaign launch for a seat in the US Senate, Peter Miles, a small town District Attorney, receives word that the governor has exonerated Ronald Bradler, a death row inmate whom Peter prosecuted five years earlier for the murder of a local police officer. In the wake of Bradler’s release and through the prism of the media frenzy surrounding the high profile case, what unfolds is a public vetting of Peter’s record. When hard evidence of actual impropriety on Peter’s part finds it way into his possession, Bradler seeks out Peter for answers.

   Paul Fitzgerald 
   Shelby Siegel 
   Tracy Kilpatrick, Kelly Miller, Mimi Wyeth 
   Vanja Cernjul 
   Stephen H. Carter 
   Odd nosdam 
   DV / Beta / Digitale
   Dolby Digital

foto bio

Born in Lynchburg, Virginia, Paul Fitzgerald is a Director, a screenwriter and a classically trained actor with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He is a published playwright and has worked as an actor in television and film in Los Angeles. In New York he has enjoyed a successful stage career on and Off Broadway. His credits include the feature films Crazy Like A Fox and The Third Wheel, along with guest starring roles on Will and Grace, Roswell, and Wasteland. Forgiven is his fourth screenplay and his feature directorial debut.

Via Tertulliano, 55
20137 Milano
Tel./Fax +39 02 9287 1578
Email: info@miff.it
Los Angeles
2014 North Sycamore Avenue
Hollywood, CA - 90068 - 3736
possibile contattarci in sede Mart e Giov
orari: 10:30-13:30 e 15:30-18:30