8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - I gatti di Mirikitani / Linda Hattendorf / Jimmy Mirikitani, Roger Shimomura e Janice Mirikitani I gatti di Mirikitani Jimmy Mirikitani, Roger Shimomura e Janice Mirikitani
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
7a Edizione - 2007 /
foto film

Linda Hattendorf / USA / 2007/ 74 min
Cast Jimmy Mirikitani, Roger Shimomura e Janice Mirikitani 

Mikiritami is a 85 years old, Japanese-American, raised in Hiroshima, living in the streets of New York. The story of a homeless man becomes a document of everyday life leading to 9/11. When a neighbouring filmmaker stops to ask about Mirikitani’s drawings of cats and atomic bombs, a friendship begins that will change the lives of both

Original Title    The cats of Mirikitani
Editor   Keiko Deguchi e Linda Hattendorf 
Production   Masa Yoshikawa e Linda Hattendorf 
Cinematoghraphy   Linda Hattendorf e Masa Yoshikawa 
Music   Joel Goodman 
Color   Colore
Format   DV / Beta / Digitale
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Linda’ s editing work has aired on PBS, A&E and The Sundance Channel. She edited the award-winning documentary Josh Pais’s 7th Street. The Cats of Mirikitani is her directional debut.


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20137 Milano
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Email: info@miff.it
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