8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Quattro minuti / Chris Kraus / Monica Bleibtreu, Hannah Herzsprung, Sven Pippig Quattro minuti Monica Bleibtreu, Hannah Herzsprung, Sven Pippig
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
7a Edizione - 2007 / Lungometraggi
foto film

Chris Kraus / Germany / 2007/ 112 min
Cast Monica Bleibtreu, Hannah Herzsprung, Sven Pippig 

Schubert, Mozart, and a bunch of killers. That’s life for 80-year-old piano teacher Traude Krueger. The old lady has been teaching music at the women’s prison for ages. But she has never met an inmate like Jenny: a killer who destroys everything around her to amuse herself. However, she used to be a piano prodigy. And beneath her fierce façade, she still is. Traude wins warden Meyerbeer’s approval for train her at the piano. Put in solitary confinement after beating the living out of a warder, with Traude’s help she manages to participate in a prestigious piano contest for young talents.

Original Title    Four minutes
Scipt by   Chris Kraus 
Editor   Uta Schmidt 
Production   Meike Kordes, Alexandra Kordes 
Cinematoghraphy   Judith Kaufmann 
Production design   Silke Buhr 
Music   Andreas Ruft, Annette Focks 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Chris Kraus studied at the German Film and Television Academy, where he now works as a lecturer. For ten years he has enjoyed an outstanding reputation as one of Germany’s most acclaimed screenwriters. Nominated twice for the German Screenplay Award, he won the Screenplay Award of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg for ‘Four Minutes’ as well as the 2002 German Award for the Advancement of Film for Best Screenplay for his debut feature ‘Shattered Glass’. Kraus also received several awards for his directing achievement, such as the 2003 Bavarian Film Award.


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