8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Furriadroxus / Michele Mossa e Michele Trentini / Gli ultimi abitanti di Malfatano (Teulada) Furriadroxus Gli ultimi abitanti di Malfatano (Teulada)
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
7a Edizione - 2007 /
foto film

Michele Mossa e Michele Trentini / Italy / 2007/ 40 min
Cast Gli ultimi abitanti di Malfatano (Teulada) 

On the Teulada coast in Sardinia is located the Tuerreda beach. Near the beach begin the ‘furriadroxus’ (from the sardinian verb for ‘inhabiting’), the traditional houses from the village of Malfatano. The inhabitants of the furriadroxus represent the last generation of a traditional community. The contrast between their microcosmos and mass turism is the focus of this movie shot during the summer period.

Original Title    Furriadroxus
Scipt by   Michele Mossa 
Editor   Michele Mossa e Michele Trentini 
Cinematoghraphy   Michele Mossa 
Production design   non specificato 
Music   Michele Mossa 
Color   Colore
Format   DV / Beta / Digitale
Sound   Dolby Digital

Biografia Autore
Michele Mossa (Cagliari 1971) has published the cd–book ‘Ovidio Addis, The Songs of Monteferru’ in 2003. Michele Trentini (Rovereto 1974) has realised several ethnographic short movies for the museums and associations in Trentino and Veneto.


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20137 Milano
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Email: info@miff.it
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