8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - The song of Haenyo / Min Joo Lee / The song of Haenyo

catalogo miff
7a Edizione - 2007 /
foto film

Min Joo Lee / South Korea / 2007/ 30 min

The movie is about the lives of Haenyo, women divers living on Jeju Island, Korea. They dive about 10-20 meters under the sea without a breathing apparatus because the law prohibits the use of oxygen tanks, holding their breath for about 2-3 minutes, to pick marine products. Haenyo believe in a paradise called Iodo that helps them overcome poverty.

   The song of Haenyo
   Ji Hyun Lee 
   Min Joo Lee 
   Min Joo Lee 
   Jeon, Junghyuk 
   DV / Beta / Digitale
   Dolby Digital

foto bio

Min Joo Lee was born in 1962. He’s a professor at the Seoul Institute of the Arts. He received the “Best Cameraman Award” from the Korean TV cameraman association. He also received a B.A. from the Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara and a M.A. from Chungang University in Seoul.

Via Tertulliano, 55
20137 Milano
Tel./Fax +39 02 9287 1578
Email: info@miff.it
Los Angeles
2014 North Sycamore Avenue
Hollywood, CA - 90068 - 3736
possibile contattarci in sede Mart e Giov
orari: 10:30-13:30 e 15:30-18:30