8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - El rey / Antonio Dorado / Fernando Solórzano, Cristina Umaña, Marlon Moreno, Olivier Pagès, Vanessa Simon,Raúl Aranda, Diego Vélez, Juan Sebastián Aragón, Gilberto Ramirez El rey Fernando Solórzano, Cristina Umaña, Marlon Moreno, Olivier Pagès, Vanessa Simon,Raúl Aranda, Diego Vélez, Juan Sebastián Aragón, Gilberto Ramirez
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
7a Edizione - 2007 / Fuori Concorso
foto film

Antonio Dorado / Colombia / 2007/ 84 min
Cast Fernando Solórzano, Cristina Umaña, Marlon Moreno, Olivier Pagès, Vanessa Simon, Raúl Aranda, Diego Vélez, Juan Sebastián Aragón, Gilberto Ramirez 

The striking and stereotyped atmosphere of “Traffic” blended with the realism of “City Of God”: ‘El Rey’ is an unpitiful chronicle of drugs’ traffic in Columbia through the eyes of its mythical godfather and Lord of drugs, el Rey. Freely based on real life stories, the movie intertwines historical facts, complex characters, astonishing locations and an experienced direction. We witness the rise to power of El Rey, for several decades head of the Columbian mafia.

Original Title    El rey
Scipt by   Antonio Dorado 
Editor   Antonio Frutos 
Production   Daniel Lesour 
Cinematoghraphy   Juan Cristóbal Cobo 
Production design   Johans Paredes 
Music   Nacho Royo 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
In 2000 he has produced the documentary "Estanislao Zuleta, biografía de un pensador". “El Rey” won the prize for the best film at Bogota Film Festival. His latest project is the feature "Adiós, Ana Elisa " (2006).


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20137 Milano
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Email: info@miff.it
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