8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Il Bambino di Carla / Emanuela Rossi / Antonio Palmese, Annamaria Teresa Ricci, Giorgia Mari, Alex Munteanu Il Bambino di Carla Antonio Palmese, Annamaria Teresa Ricci, Giorgia Mari, Alex Munteanu
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
8a Edizione - 2008 / Cortometraggi
foto film

Emanuela Rossi / Italy / 2007/ 27 min
Cast Antonio Palmese, Annamaria Teresa Ricci, Giorgia Mari, Alex Munteanu 

Roman periphery. Antonio and Carla live together. Carla, mature and unattractive, loves Antonio. He, young and handsome, wants to become an actor but fails, till he meets Giorgia who is able to get him out of the impass…

Original Title    Il Bambino di Carla
Genre Drama
Scipt by   Emanuela Rossi 
Editor   Letizia Caudullo 
Production   Emanuela Rossi 
Cinematoghraphy   Mauro Falomi 
Production design   Emanuela Rossi 
Costumes   Elisa Papetti 
Music   Piergiorgio De Luca/Umberto Bindi 
MakeUp    Elisa Papetti 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Born in Fermo in 1968, she studied Direction and History of Cinema in Bologna and Paris. Then she works as a freelance journalist for renowned women magazines and becomes a tv author and scriptwriter. In 2004 she wins an award for the script La Bessa about Albanian immigration. Carla’s Child is her directorial debut.


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