8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Linee d'ombra / Francesco Crispino / AAVV Linee d'ombra AAVV
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
8a Edizione - 2008 /
foto film

Francesco Crispino / Italy / 2007/ 75 min
Cast AAVV 

Linee d’ombra reconstructs the life of the Italian film director Armando Crispino from the point of view of his son, Francesco. In the 50’s Armando Crispino became one of the most important assistant directors in Italian cinema und worked with Luigi Comencini, Pietro Germi, Mario Camerini, and most of all with Antonio Pietrangeli as script writer. In the 60’s he started directing his own movies.

Original Title    Linee d'ombra
Genre Documentary
Scipt by   Francesco Crispino 
Editor   Salvatore Allocca 
Production   Francesco Crispino, Vega's project, Università di Roma Tre 
Cinematoghraphy   Sergio Di Cino 
Color   Colore
Format   DV / Beta / Digitale
Sound   Stereo

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Film director und script writer like his famous father Armando. He teaches History of Film at the DAMS in Rom und History and Critique of Film at the Università di Cassino. He directed many shorts and Linee d´ombra is his first feature film.


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