8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Vampyres / Laurent Courau / Don Henrie, Father Sebastian, Lord Rexx Vampyres Don Henrie, Father Sebastian, Lord Rexx
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
8a Edizione - 2008 /
foto film

Laurent Courau / France / 2008/ 85 min
Cast Don Henrie, Father Sebastian, Lord Rexx 

At the beginning of the 21st century, horror and fantasy dominate film and literature. In the streets, reality has even gone beyond fiction. New tribes are being born every day and are already haunting the underground of our Cities. The movie is a travelogue in the tenebrae of a real life vampire underworld leading to new considerations about contemporary beliefs and culture at the fringes of society.

Original Title    Vampyres
Genre Documentary
Scipt by   Laurent Courau 
Production   Emmanuel Prevost, Stephane Leconte 
Cinematoghraphy   Luka Spira 
Color   Colore
Format   DV / Beta / Digitale
Sound   Stereo
Website www.visualfactory.co.uk

Biografia Autore
Born in Paris in 1968, he is writer, director and journalist. His field of investigation is the underground culture. He founded the number one website in France on this topic and contributed to many magazines and newspapers. His second essay "Vampyres: Reality beyond Fiction" is the source of his shocking feature length documentary, Vampyres.


Via Tertulliano, 55
20137 Milano
Tel./Fax +39 02 9287 1578
Email: info@miff.it
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