8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - L'oro rosso / Cesare Fragnelli / Alessandro Haber, Antonella Bavaro, Michele Sinisi, Alexandru Vicu, Elena Di Marco L'oro rosso Alessandro Haber, Antonella Bavaro, Michele Sinisi, Alexandru Vicu, Elena Di Marco
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
8a Edizione - 2008 / Cortometraggi
foto film

Cesare Fragnelli / Italy / 2007/ 12 min
Cast Alessandro Haber, Antonella Bavaro, Michele Sinisi, Alexandru Vicu, Elena Di Marco 

In south Italy the seasonal job for the so called “red gold” is the basis for Erika’s life. Her problems and difficulties are opposed to the innocent and infantile curiosity of her daughter.

Original Title    L'oro rosso
Scipt by   Cesare Fragnelli, Alessandra Recchia 
Editor   Andrea Costantino 
Production   Cinemasudfilms 
Cinematoghraphy   Daniele Baldacci 
Production design   Tommaso Dilonardo 
Costumes   Flavia Santoro 
Music   Stefano Varini, Nicola Masciullo 
MakeUp    Maria Vitillo 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Cesare Fragnelli was born in 1977 near Bari. In 1999 he set up the cinematographic company Cinema Sud Films in Apulia. Since then he has directed socially committed short films, such as “Pesci o Puttane” and “Konfine”, several commercials and has worked as cinematographer in some short and documentary films.


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20137 Milano
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