8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Stanley Cuba / Per Anderson / Mike Birbiglia(Stanley), Adrian Martinez(Duarte), Melissa Silver(Lola), John Ramaine(Latton) Stanley Cuba Mike Birbiglia(Stanley), Adrian Martinez(Duarte), Melissa Silver(Lola), John Ramaine(Latton)
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
7a Edizione - 2007 / Fuori Concorso
foto film

Per Anderson / USA / 2007/ 80 min
Cast Mike Birbiglia(Stanley), Adrian Martinez(Duarte), Melissa Silver(Lola), John Ramaine(Latton) 

Stanley Cuba’ is a sophisticated parody of Stanley Kubrick's films. Intellectual property lawyers attempt to put photography student Stanley Cuba under contract to the shadowy Guggenvich family. But his professor tells the class that true artist are unpaid. After flash forwarding into a parallel dimension by knocking his head on a monolith, Stanley discovers the secret of Jackson Pollock’s fame.

Original Title    Stanley Cuba
Scipt by   Per Anderson 
Editor   Per Anderson 
Production   Ari Taub 
Cinematoghraphy   Ian Dudley 
Production design   Jennifer Breen 
Music   Anne Kadet, Matt Rocker 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

Biografia Autore
‘Stanley Cuba’ is Per debut features as writer/director. Per also holds various production credits on other features and shorts, including ‘35th Street Mission’ and ‘ Police Beat ‘. He lives in Brooklyn and is an active member of the Seattle Independent Film scene.


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20137 Milano
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Email: info@miff.it
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