8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Dies Irae / Ian Truitner / Dimitri Lekkos, Tony Keyes Guzman Dies Irae Dimitri Lekkos, Tony Keyes Guzman

catalogo miff
/ Cortometraggi

Ian Truitner / USA / 2006/ 5.45 min
Dimitri Lekkos, Tony Keyes Guzman 

In a hyper-modern visually arresting setting, a score is settled the old-fashioned way. This ‘day of wrath’ leaves only one man standing

   Dies Irae
   Ian Truitner 
   Dimitri Lekkos 
   Mateo Londono 
   Dolby Digital

Mr. Truitner’s award-winning feature film “Cutting Room” was premiered at the Milan International Film Festival in 2006. Prior to his independent film endeavors, Mr. Truitner worked at Warner Bros. Pictures in creative development and Walt Disney Feature Animation.

Via Tertulliano, 55
20137 Milano
Tel./Fax +39 02 9287 1578
Email: info@miff.it
Los Angeles
2014 North Sycamore Avenue
Hollywood, CA - 90068 - 3736
possibile contattarci in sede Mart e Giov
orari: 10:30-13:30 e 15:30-18:30