8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Who are you to me / Dror Reshef / Hila Meckier, Lior Doron, Nili Rogel, Efrat Arnon, Avraham Hurvitz Who are you to me Hila Meckier, Lior Doron, Nili Rogel, Efrat Arnon, Avraham Hurvitz
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
9a Edizione - 2009 / Lungometraggi
foto film

Dror Reshef / Israel / 2009/ 89 min
Cast Hila Meckier, Lior Doron, Nili Rogel, Efrat Arnon, Avraham Hurvitz 

Anya, 25, is mentally handicapped but manages to lead an independent life. Since the sudden death of her parents she has been living alone, surrounded by her own silence, earning her living as a cleaning-lady inside an office building. One morning while Anya starts her working-shift, she meets Ari , 26, an unemployed guy who used to work as a start-up programmer at the building where she now cleans. Ari tries to snick into the guarded building. He wishes to confront his employer Naama, with whom he was in love. Naama had fired Ari after a long period of hospitalization due to his schizophrenic attacks. But Ari has no entry permit to the building. He desperately needs someone from 'inside' to let him in. In order to break Anya's fear to help him, Ari pretends to be her lover. When the rational manipulative plan becomes mixed with new real emotions, Anya comes up with the question: 'who are you to me?'

Original Title    Who are you to me
Scipt by   Dror Reshef 
Editor   Elya Kohn 
Production   Dror Reshef 
Cinematoghraphy   Miki Israel 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Dror Reshef has been working as a freelance director and editor since graduating from the Sam Spiegel Film & Television School. In 2007-8 he wrote, directed and independently produced his first feature film, WHO ARE YOU TO ME? For the last five years he has been the content editor of the main weekly documentary program on the Israeli broadcast TV channel 10.


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