8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - En compagnie de la poussiere / Jacques Molitor / En compagnie de la poussiere
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
9a Edizione - 2009 / Cortometraggi
foto film

Jacques Molitor / Belgium / 2009/ 19 min

At the frontier between youth and adulthood, François is in love with Michel. Michel doesn’t seem to care… the arrival of young Alice troubles this strange balance. As a med student, Michel stands before a corpse bearing an uncanny resemblance to his friend.

Titolo Originale   En compagnie de la poussiere
Colore   Colore
Formato   35mm
Suono   Dolby Digital

Biografia Autore
Jacques Molitor was born on February 15th, 1980 in Luxemburg. After a high school, he first entered medical school at U.C.L. university (Belgium) in 1999. Then, in 2001, he enrolled at the film school Institut des Arts de Diffusion or I.A.D. (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). He graduated with honors in 2005, obtaining a degree in film directing. In 2005, he completed his I.A.D. thesis project, the short Gemini, a mixture of traditional live-action film and animation techniques. In 2007/2008, he co-wrote and directed the short fiction film WITH THE DUST, co-produced by FraKas (Belgium) and Paul Thiltges Distribution (Luxemburg). Jacques Molitor also works as a freelance film critic and sometime video editor for several television networks (RTL, T-TV).


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Tel./Fax +39 02 9287 1578
Email: info@miff.it
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orari: 10:30-13:30 e 15:30-18:30
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