MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Crescendo / Pierre Terrade, Didier Woldmeard / Julie Gauvin, Didier Woldemard Crescendo Julie Gauvin, Didier Woldemard
Steph, a joung mother, lives in difficult conditions with JB, her violent partner. How will she be able to escape this nightmare which is dragging her into madness?
Biografia Autore DirectorsPierre Terrade, French, was born on the 22nd of July 1976. Ciema and all its angles has always been one of his passions. In the past, he worked as Sound Techinician in a audio/video editing company. Later on, he has been both director and producer. He produced and coproduced, as a matter of fact, institutional films, documentaries and other audiovisual artistic contents.
Didier Wodmeard Beneath directing his first short movie, Didier Woldmeard is a very promising French actor. He acted in several movies like \"Ressources humaines\" by Laurent Cantet in 1999 and \"24 measures\" by Jalil Lespert in 2006. He is the protagonist of Crescendo too.
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20137 Milano
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orari: 10:30-13:30 e 15:30-18:30
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