8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Photographia / Stefanos Sitaras / Jack Serano, Stefanos Sitaras Photographia Jack Serano, Stefanos Sitaras
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
10a Edizione - 2010 /
foto film

Stefanos Sitaras / Greece / 2010
Cast Jack Serano, Stefanos Sitaras 

Photographia is the first film shot in America by the Greek filmmaker Sitaras; it is a film about disillusionment, about leaving the comfortable place you once knew as home and standing up. The subsequent question of “standing up, where?” or “to what?,” defines the film and gives it a psychoanalytic hue of technological, moral, even social proportions.

Original Title    Photographia
Genre Reality
Production   Jonah Zimmerberg-Helms 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Stefanos Sitaras is an award-winning Greek filmmaker, born in Athens in 1989. He started directing his own projects at 11 years old. At 13, he attended the New York Film Academy filmmaking program in Paris, under director Michael Unger. At 14, he wrote and directed his first major motion picture, "Light Blue and Orange," which opened the "Athens Opening Nights" festival. From 14-17, Stefanos made over 20 short films, which participated and received awards in various film festivals such as the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. At 17 Stefanos moved to the US to study filmmaking at Emerson College in Boston. Currently he lives in the US, where he continues to direct short and feature films.


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orari: 10:30-13:30 e 15:30-18:30
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