8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Heaven Is Waiting / Shlomi Ben Yair / Rachel Claire, Arturo Castro, Claude Enow, Ibrahim Asallah Heaven Is Waiting Rachel Claire, Arturo Castro, Claude Enow, Ibrahim Asallah
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
10a Edizione - 2010 /
foto film

Shlomi Ben Yair / USA / 2010
Cast Rachel Claire, Arturo Castro, Claude Enow, Ibrahim Asallah 

After a long ride smuggled in the trunk of a car, Palestinian, Naama Harbid arrives at a warehouse in Jerusalem to be part of a suicide bombing mission. She will have to convince her handler that, although she is a woman, she is ready to die. Once on the team, strapped with a bomb, she realizes she might have a reason to live.

Original Title    Heaven Is Waiting
Genre Drama / War
Production   Pegah Easton, Sam Chase 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
In 2009 Shlomi Ben Yairfounded Peace Walk Productions with the aspiration to create films that show a different point of view on current social battles, starting with the Israeli Palestinian conflict. ‘Heaven Is Waiting’, a short film written and directed by Shlomi, was completed in January 2010. His debut feature film ‘A Seed of Hope’ is scheduled to enter production in the winter. Prior to that Shlomi was educated as a Software Engineer, pursued a successful career in real-estate investments and served in the Israeli Army. Shlomi resides in Maplewood, New Jersey with his wife Elise and daughters Zoë and Naomi.


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