8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Vivre encore un peu... / David Lambert / Jean-Bastien Tinant, Daniel Bajolt, Carmela Locantore, Jean-Michel Balthazar Vivre encore un peu... Jean-Bastien Tinant, Daniel Bajolt, Carmela Locantore, Jean-Michel Balthazar
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
10a Edizione - 2010 /
foto film

David Lambert / France / 2010
Cast Jean-Bastien Tinant, Daniel Bajolt, Carmela Locantore, Jean-Michel Balthazar 

In the early hours of every night, while his lover Pierre is asleep upstairs, Nico works with his father the baker. All of a sudden he falls to the ground...

Original Title    Vivre encore un peu...
Genre Drama
Production   Jean-Yves Roubin 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Born in 1974 in Belgian Ardennes, David Lambert graduated in Languages and Romanic Literatures at the University of Liège. He started working in theater as a playwright, and then as a set designer. At thirty he turned to scriptwriting. He had been working for 2 years in a children’s show for the RTBF, "Ici Blabla" before teaming up with numerous French and Belgian directors for the screenplays of feature films. The last film in which he participated, "La Régate", arrived in theaters on Fall 2009. "Vivre encore un peu" (Live a bit longer) is his first short film as a director.


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