8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - La Pagella / Alessandro Celli / Andrea Calligari, Irene Ferri, Marco Giallini La Pagella Andrea Calligari, Irene Ferri, Marco Giallini

catalogo miff
10a Edizione - 2010 / Cortometraggi
foto film

Alessandro Celli / Italy / 2010
Andrea Calligari, Irene Ferri, Marco Giallini 

Before leaving for summer vacations, mother and son decide to visit the father, which this year too won\'t be able to be with them, to say goodbye and show him the excellent school report obtained by the boy. The procedure is complicated as usual, the iron doors slamming, the strict look of the guard, the long hallways, the desolate rooms. Once got to the parlor, the mother stops: the meeting, which apparently is going to be loaded with tension, will be just between father and son, both carried away in an intense exchange of emotions and affection.

   La Pagella
   Andrea De Micheli, Carla Mori, Daniele Carelli 
   Dolby Digital

foto bio

Born in Rome in 1976, Alessandro Celli graduated with Mike Leigh at London Film School. He has sharpened through the years his talent in directing actors, filming for Carla Mori\'s Blue Suede Shoots several shorts which obtain manifold awards in festivals throughout Italy and abroad, beside a very fortunate series of tv commercials. \"Fine Corsa\" and \"Uova\" won the Special Distinction at the Silver Awards 2007. In 2008, \"Uova\" won the David of Donatello as best short: in just five minutes, Celli succeeded in telling a full and touching story.

Via Tertulliano, 55
20137 Milano
Tel./Fax +39 02 9287 1578
Email: info@miff.it
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2014 North Sycamore Avenue
Hollywood, CA - 90068 - 3736
possibile contattarci in sede Mart e Giov
orari: 10:30-13:30 e 15:30-18:30