8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - The aryan couple / John Daly / kenny Dought, Caroline The aryan couple kenny Dought, Caroline
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
5a Edizione - 2005 / Lungometraggi
foto film

John Daly / USA / 2004
Cast kenny Dought, Caroline 

Occupied Hungary, 1944. Hans and Ingrid Vassman are the perfect Aryan couple. Young, married, in love and expecting their first child, they work as valet and maid for a benevolent elderly Jewish couple, the Krauzenbergs, in their magnificent palace in the Hungarian Countryside. While Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’ is now ficercely sweeping through Europe, Himmler, the Fuhrer’s second-in-command, has secretly instigated ‘The Europa Plan’, offering rich Jewish families the final chance to escape and avoid certain death by paying to Himmler everything they own. The wealthy Krauzenbergs, desperate to save their family, have no alternative but to make a deal with Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, promising him their fortune in exchange for a safe passage for their family and themselves to Palestine. All goes as planned until they are joined at a farewell dinner by ‘the devil himself’, none other than Adolph Eichmann. Meanwhile, a detailed security check of Krauzenberg employees reveal a deep secret Hans and Ingrid have kept hidden for years. The tension on the screen lasts up to the final moments!

Original Title    The aryan couple
Scipt by   john Daly, Kendrew Lascelle 
Editor   Matthew Booth 
Cinematoghraphy   Sergei Kollow 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
In 1967 John Daly started Hemdale Film Corporation with the actor David Hemmings. The unique company was immediately successful and Daly, who was trained in business partnerships, limited companies and insurance underwriting, soon built Hemdale into one of the leading film packagers, financiers, producers and distributors of independent motion pictures. The company established a reputation for making and promoting daring break-through films and for giving important career starts, working with many of the world’s leading directors. Amongst these are James Cameron, Oliver Stone, Bernardo Bertolucci, Mick Jackson, Martin Campbell, Michael Apted, Robert Altman, John Schlesinger and many other notable directors such as Ken Loach, Harold Becker, Gillian Armstrong, Tim Hunter and James Foley. Daly’s films have grossed in excess of 1 billion dollars. Daly’s films have achieved twenty-one Oscar nominations, thirteen Oscars and won unprecedented back-to-back Best Picture Oscars for "Platoon" and "The Last Emperor". In addition his films have won numerous Golden Globes and awards at the Cannes Film Festival (two), the Berlin Film Festival, Independent Spirit, the Houston Film Festival as well as many other prizes.


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