8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Jadviga's pillow / Krisztin Deak / Ildiko Toth, Viktor Bodo, Roman Luknar, Mari Csomos, Eszter Onodi, Bela Fesztbaum, Dzoko Rosic, Marian Labuda Jadviga's pillow Ildiko Toth, Viktor Bodo, Roman Luknar, Mari Csomos, Eszter Onodi, Bela Fesztbaum, Dzoko Rosic, Marian Labuda
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
1a Edizione - 2001 / Lungometraggi
foto film

Krisztin Deak / Hungary / 1999/ 130 min
Cast Ildiko Toth, Viktor Bodo, Roman Luknar, Mari Csomos, Eszter Onodi, Bela Fesztbaum, Dzoko Rosic, Marian Labuda 

This story of a troubled marriage and fiery, sensuous relationship unfolds during the first two decades of the 20th century in a location of Hungary with a large Slovak minority. The young Ondris is overjoyed to be getting married to the girl of his dreams, his father’s foster-daughter. However his happiness does not last long-War is about to erupt, he forced to enlist, and Jadviga’s former seducer appears in town… He worries that he will fail as a husband, son and father, head of family, businessman and member of his community. Jadviga, meanwhile, feels remorse and also that she has been wronged a bad wife, a bad mother, a slave to passion

Original Title    Jadviga's pillow
Scipt by   Krisztin Deak 
Editor   Zsuzsa Csakany 
Production   Gyoergy Marosi 
Cinematoghraphy   Gabor Balogh 
Music   Gyoergy Selmeczi 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
Krisztin Deak (born 1953, Budapest) studied film and theatre in Budapest and graduated in 1977 as a film editor; 1982 earned her diploma in directing.After a number of TV films - Csinszka (1987) earned the main TV prize in Veszprem- she made her feature debut with The Book of Esther1989, awarded at the Festival of Hungarian films. Other films Mist (1993) Family Summer (1995) follow; her lates film Jadviga’s Pillow, 1999 based on the extremely successful novel of the same name by P. Zavady, was awarded at this year’s Budapest Festival of Hungarian Films with the jury prize for best director, camera, narration, costumes and actress.


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