8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - The sentence – the accusation / Anna Petkova / The sentence – the accusation
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
1a Edizione - 2001 / Lungometraggi

Anna Petkova / Bulgaria / 1999/ 60 min

Begun in 1990, this film documents the difficult revelation of truth concerning the Lovec death camp. It includes interviews with prisoners, guards, and government workers, including one-time General Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Todor Zizkov. For a period of 155 days in 1961, there were 127 deaths assigned to clearly false causes…Secret police officers and investigators who worked in Lovec remember nothing when questioned and only claims and counterclaims were recorded before the judge.

Titolo Originale   The sentence – the accusation
Sceneggiatura   Anna Petkova, Zelma Almalech 
Montaggio   Cveta Kodeva, Julia Zivkova 
Produzione   Galina Toneva 
Fotografia   Dimitar Nikolov, Georgi Angelov 
Musiche   Cenko Minkin 
Colore   Colore
Formato   35mm
Suono   Dolby Digital

Biografia Autore
Anna Petkova graduated from the Bulgarian Higher Institute of Theatrical Art and Cinematography, and currently teaches there. She worked from 1978 to 1990 for Bulgarian TV and began her documentary career with: The Break Through, The Taliman Women, Our Children, The Consideration and The Trial.Her feature film debut How Long I Waited for You – won First Prize at the 1984 Varna festival and 1985 the Pier Paolo Pasolini Special Prize.


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