MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Beyond the ocean / Tony Pemberton / Dasha Volga, Richard Nagel, Tatiana Kamina, Sage, Tatiana Kuznetsova Beyond the ocean Dasha Volga, Richard Nagel, Tatiana Kamina, Sage, Tatiana Kuznetsova
Una giovane donna in cinta giunge a New York dalla Russia alla ricerca del suo ragazzo, ma scopre di essere stata abbandonata e vivendo con un suo amico- un DJ di trip-hop i suoi pensieri vanno al passato quando non era ancora maggiorenne e viveva in una città di minatori in Russia. Questi ricordi e il suo racconto introspettivo contemplano i limiti della liberazione di sé e dell’illusione nella ricerca di una nuova vita.
Biografia Autore
Tony Pemberton (born 1966, Toledo, Ohio) moved to New York and began making short experimental movies that have been shown at many festivals (Chucky Killed Himself: He Couldn’t Swim, Mel Kendrick, Paradise Is Description of a Struggle). His long dream was to travel to the other side of the world and make films in the same environment where his favorite directors life and work – and that is just how "Beyond the Ocean" came about. He moved to Russia to work on the film and has continued shifting between Moscow and New York while preparing other international projects. Beyond the Ocean, his first feature film, was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the 2000 Sundance Film Festival.
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