8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - A la media noche y media / Marité Ugás, Mariana Rondón / Salvador del Solar, Maria Fernanda Ferro, Constanza Morales A la media noche y media Salvador del Solar, Maria Fernanda Ferro, Constanza Morales
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
1a Edizione - 2001 / Lungometraggi
foto film

Marité Ugás, Mariana Rondón / Venezuela / 1999/ 90 min
Cast Salvador del Solar, Maria Fernanda Ferro, Constanza Morales 

A huge wave is about to destroy the city. Many people leave in panic, only a few remain in the lonely streets. Among them are SEBASTIAN, a skeptical and irresolute young loner; ANA, a woman who seeks in others the passion she can’t live; and an apocalyptic GIRL. They turn the city into a games board where the stakes are love and the end of the world.

Original Title    A la media noche y media
Scipt by   Marité Ugás, Mariana Rondón 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
MARITÉ UGÁS (Perú 1963) obtains a Degree on Communications at the University of Lima, in 1986, where she begins directing her first short films. Then she goes to the new International Cinema and TV School in San Antonio de los Bańos, Cuba (EICTV) founded by García Marquez. She directs several short films, among them, the documentary "Belen Neighborhood", winner of four international awards, as "Festival for peace", Helsinki, 1990. Since 1990 she is member of Sudaca Films and works as director, producer and writer, in Lima, Caracas, Havana and Mexico. Her short film "Day by Day" won several awards, as "Carabela de Plata" at Bilbao, Spain, 1993. "At Midnight and a half" is her first feature film. MARIANA RONDÓN (Venezuela 1966) Studies film animation techniques in Paris. In 1986 she goes to the EICTV, Cuba, where she directs the short fiction films "Eggshells" and "Something falling into silence" (co-direction with Marité Ugás) In 1990 she founds, together with other young Latin-American filmmakers, a Multinational Andean Company, called Sudaca Films. In 1994 she directs "Street 22", winner of 21 international awards. Among them: Best Short film "Biarritz International Film Festival", France, 1994; and "Huelva International Film Festival", Spain, 1994; "Golden Awards- New York International Short Film Expo" She writes, directs and produces the feature film "At Midnight and a half". Right now she prepares her new feature project, called "Clear Sky


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