8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - La silence de la peur / Nasser Bakhti / Gregory Roy, Emanuelle Piachaud, Ramy Wullshleger, Antonin Schoepfer, Nicolas Magnin La silence de la peur Gregory Roy, Emanuelle Piachaud, Ramy Wullshleger, Antonin Schoepfer, Nicolas Magnin
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
1a Edizione - 2001 / Lungometraggi
foto film

Nasser Bakhti / Switzerland / 1999/ 70 min
Cast Gregory Roy, Emanuelle Piachaud, Ramy Wullshleger, Antonin Schoepfer, Nicolas Magnin 

Like other children of her age, 14 year old Elsa endures daily violence at school, due to presence of racketeers. Trying to avoid the worst, she begins to lie and steal from her parents to pay off aggressors. At school, everybody is aware of the situation, but no one dares to speak out. The law of silence - the silence of fear.

Original Title    La silence de la peur
Scipt by   Nasser Bakhti 
Editor   Beatrice Bakhti 
Production   Nasser Bakhti 
Cinematoghraphy   Sebastien Moret 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

Biografia Autore
Born in 1960 in Alger(Algeria), lives in Switzerland since 1990. Algerian and French nationality; Degree in foreign languages, diploma at Mountview Art and Drama school in London. 11989-1992 collaboration with several productions(for BBC, Channel 4,TSR), as art director production manager and director. Independent Filmmaker. Documentary Films: Spirit of Zimbabwe1992, Le marcheur solitaire 1993, Acoeur des tenebres 1994, Geneve miroir du monde 1996, Feature: Le silence de la peur (Awards: “the prize of the heart” CANNES JUNIOR 1999.


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