8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Solo para ti / Aleksander Jonanovic / Sonia Serrano, Oscar Ortega Sanchez, Matthias Klinsa Solo para ti Sonia Serrano, Oscar Ortega Sanchez, Matthias Klinsa
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
2a Edizione - 2002 / Cortometraggi

Aleksander Jonanovic / Germany / 2001
Cast Sonia Serrano, Oscar Ortega Sanchez, Matthias Klinsa 

Ramon breaks up the relationship with Juanita because of another woman he wants to marry. Juanita meets Jan in a bar and takes him home. After a while, Juanita tells him that she only has to go to the bathroom but secretly leaves the apartment while Jan is waiting in the bedroom. When he goes to look for her, Jan hears the sound of keys at the entrance, but it’s not Juanita coming in…

Original Title    Solo para ti
Scipt by   Aleksander Jonanovic 
Editor   Alex Kutka 
Production   Petra Prelle, Nicole Reinsch 
Cinematoghraphy   Aleksander Jonanovic 
Music   Sonia Serrano 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

Biografia Autore
Jovanovic attended the Stage School of Dance and Drama in Germany and trained as an actor in Berlin and Toronto. He won the bronze leopard in Locarno, Switzerland for Best Actor in the film Kurz & Schmerzios. Solo Para Ti is his directorial debut


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