8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Cookers / Dan Mintz / Brad Hunt, Cyia Batten, Patrick McGaw Cookers Brad Hunt, Cyia Batten, Patrick McGaw
Scheda Film  

catalogo miff
2a Edizione - 2002 / Lungometraggi
foto film

Dan Mintz / USA / 2001/ 97 min
Cast Brad Hunt, Cyia Batten, Patrick McGaw 

After stealing a large amount of amphetamines from a group of outlaw bikers, Hector and his girlfriend Dorena, a couple of crystal-meth cookers, set up a lab in an abandoned farmhouse buried deep in the woods and begin to cook the meth. When Hector’s long-time friend, Merle, joins them, the group begins to consume large amounts of the drug. Their dreams of the last big score slowly start to unravel as paranoia and distrust set in and takes control of them. After days of sleep depravation and extreme isolation, strange things begin to happen in the old house, things they can’t explain. Hector begins to crack first, barricading the windows and bolting all the doors against some invisible threat. Is it real or is it just hallucinations? Soon every sound becomes a threat and the three begin to turn on each other. As the suspicion, paranoia and terror come to a head, the motivating question still remains, is the evil waiting outside worse than what lurks inside? Or is it all in their minds?

Original Title    Cookers
Scipt by   Jeff Ritchie, Jack Moore 
Editor   Jim May, Dan Mintz 
Production   Jeff Ritchie 
Cinematoghraphy   Dan Mintz 
Costumes   Mara Spear 
Music   Billy Whiteacre 
Color   Colore
Format   35mm
Sound   Dolby Digital

foto bio
Biografia Autore
International award winning commercial director and cinematographer, Dan Mintz makes his feature film debut with Cookers. A visual artist in every sense of the word, he weaves his stories with hip and original sensibilities that produce a cutting edge and innovative style. Mintz was accepted to the prestigious School of Performing Arts in New York at the age of 13, and by 15, had worked on his first job in the feature film business. The movie was Fame. Since then, Mintz has worked his way up the ranks as a Director of Photography before becoming a Director. His artistry has won him awards and acclaim at many international festivals including Cannes.


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Email: info@miff.it
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