8-18 maggio 2013

Victoria Oberli
Victoria Oberli was born in Guebwiller, France in 1991 from Swedish mother and Swiss father; talented young actress, she has been working with several emerging directors, both for film and theatre. She made her film debut in 2011, playing Joséphine, the eccentric and disarming protagonist of "Young Europe", first film of the Italian director Matteo Vicino. During her career Victoria took part in several short films, including "L'oubli de Nous", by Cédric Chasle, in which she played the leading role. Not to forget her many theatrical experiences, among which, "Les déportés", "Les Femmes" and "Toussaint Louverture". Victoria travels a lot in Asia, Africa and Europe; she has a passion for art and sport and she has been playing skiing, dance, swimming and horse-riding since she was a little girl.

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