8-18 maggio 2013

Director: Alice Tomassini
Producer: Alice Tomassini
Country: Italy Cast: Alice Tomassini

Have you ever looked through the innocent eyes of a little girl lost in wonder while listening to her favourite tale? Vesna, a eight years old gypsy, naīve as many girls her own age, has been robbed of the little naivety left in her eyes right by the one who was supposed to be the Prince Charming of her favourite tale.

Alice Tomassini
Born in Rome in 1987, she graduated from Roma Tre University in Art, Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage with an experimental thesis on public service advertising. She cooperated with the International Film Festival (third edition) held in Rome in 2008. She achieved a Certificate in the International Academy of Film and Television, Cinecittā Studios in 2010. The same year she cooperated as video assistant in Father, a film directed by Pasquale Squittieri. Currently attending an MA in Film Television and Multimedia Production. In 2011 she realized her first Short Film Vivere una favola.
Other nominees in this category:
Giorgia Farina
Alessio Bolzoni
Massimiliano Battistella
Marco Toscani
Michele Mortara
Claudio Colombo
Giorgio Bonecchi Borgazzi

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