8-18 maggio 2013

Director: Salvatore Allocca
Producer: Alessia Riveruzzi, Anzellotti Daniele
Country: Italy Editor: Salvatore Allocca Runtime: 1:13

A tribute to the imagination. An irreverent portrait. The narrative of the life and career of Gian Carlo Fusco ( one of the most interesting and unusual personalities of the twentieth century in Italy). Journalist, novelist, script-writer for films, actor and protagonist of the national artistic scene spanning the 50s and 60s. Fusco has been totally slighted and given the cold shoulder, even forgotten and ignored by official critics although praised to the skies by all those who met him in the literary salons of Italy, hailing him as the greatest narrator of all times. He died prematurely in 1984.
Salvatore Allocca

Salvatore Allocca, born in Rome in 1983, is one of the Italian young emerging film directors and producers. Despite his young age Allocca, graduated at the Rome’s DAMS, has already managed to gain considerable recognition as a director of documentaries, short films and video clips. Among his most successful films are: Crackers acclaimed the best short film at the Avvenire Cinema Festival, Festa del Cinema di Roma and The Capri Art Film Festival; 8 novembre 1943, a short film presented at main Italian film festivals such as R.I.F.F. and La Cittadella del Corto; a video clip Psiconauta for an Italian band ZeroEstensioniNeuronali produced by NoPop Music and broadcasted by Italian TV music stations (MTV, All Music), satellite TV and Internet; Marc Random a visionary and experimental short film which appeared in TV and competed at numerous film festivals in Italy and abroad. His most recent film is a feature comedy Come trovare nel modo giusto l’uomo sbagliato, produced by Home Film and released in 2011. Snake charmer is a documentary on the uncommon life of Gian Carlo Fusco, an Italian journalist died in 1984. It has been declared a film of huge importance by the Italian Ministery of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

Documentary Nominees

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